Placement Bags

Our longest standing program is our placement bags. Every month we pack about 100 bags and bring to the division for kids in foster care. These bags contain all new items including: A new outfit, a new set of pajamas, new underwear or diapers, new socks, toothbrush and toothpaste, toiletries, a small book or toy, $25 gift card for teens, and a note of encouragement!

These bags are a huge blessing to both the child receiving them and the parent whose home that child is coming too. Placement bags let a child know that they are seen and known and someone was thinking of them. Receiving something new and all their own is special and helps in the smallest way on a day that can be very traumatic and full of unknowns for a child. Many children when they enter a new home come with only the clothes on their back so this also helps the foster family be able to get the kids in a clean new set of Pajamas and get them to school the next day without having to run out and buy diapers at 10:00pm.

We are always looking for new donations for these bags – full outfits and $25 gift cards are our greatest needs, but anything is appreciated!

You can check out our target registry for up to date needs but feel free to purchase items anywhere – Kohls, TJMaxx, WalMart, etc.

If you, your company, or group of friends would like to host a drive please contact

We also have volunteer opportunities for packing these bags. Groups of 10 or less are ideal. Please email Jen to be in the know of upcoming packing days –