We Serve BIRTH PARENTS through our 1Hope House Program – this provides housing, transportation needs, food, clothing and mentorship for moms ages 18-25 that are working to reunify with their children placed in Out of Home Care.
One of our main goals at 1HopeMKE is to see the number of birth families reunified increase! Wisconsin is a reunify state! This means that the goal is to ensure that families get to stay together, AND receive the support they need to thrive on their own! We purchased a home just a few years ago with the dream of housing birth mothers between the ages of 18 and 25 working to reunify with their children.
We have now seen this come to life and we know that these mothers need a community that will wrap around them and love them just as we love their children. We take a “love the whole family” approach!
At the 1Hope House, you can receive housing, assistance in transportation needs, assistance in job search, mentorship, food stipends and support and advocacy while working towards reunification!
Our goal is to see the cycle of hurt people hurting people stop! We believe by serving this group of foster impacted moms in need, we will see reconciliation, restoration and reunification of families!
Birth Mothers
In the Past
It is the dream of our Founder, Charonne Ganiere, our staff and our Board of Directors to see birth mothers loved and cared for! With the help of generous donors like the Mehring Family Foundation, we were able to purchase the 1Hope House.
We have worked with several community partners such as: Mix Church, Shorepoint, GoodLand, 414, Bridge Church, Doug and Julie Colton, Dave and Cindy Zacharias, and many others to renovate the entire home dedicated to housing birth mothers working towards reunification!
Since April of 2023, we have served over 100 birth mothers with food, church community, clothing, bedding, postnatal care kits, backpacks, Brewers tickets, Aveda spa days and much more!
In the Future
The 1Hope House is officially open! With the opening of 1Hope House, we are currently processing applications! September is officially Move-in Month! We will continue to train our volunteers, staff and team members to serve in ways that support these birth moms so they can thrive! Our goal is to see more families reunified in Milwaukee!
We will provide housing, transportation, food, mentorship and community to as many moms as we can! Beyond the 1Hope House, we will continue to serve birth mothers in as many ways as we can!