Why I Foster

Why I Foster - Love

I foster because fostering is Love

It is Love for the child who needs a safe home for a little while

It is Love for the biological family in spite of the mistakes they have made

It is Love for my community as I do my part to make a difference

It is Love for the child who comes to me broken and behaviorally challenging

It is Love for the caseworker who is overworked in an already difficult field

It is Love for my biological children as they learn how to give and serve by sharing everything they have with the new child who enters our home

It is Love to others I come in contact with as they see us joyously give to a child and her family

It is Love for the child who gets to return home and the family I have had a part in helping to heal

It is Love as I wipe the tears of a child born to another woman

It is Love as I get up to do late night feedings or provide comfort after a nightmare

It is Love for the child who cannot return home and becomes a part of our family forever through adoption

It is Love in the beauty as much as it is Love in the brokenness

Fostering mirrors the Love Christ has for us more than anything else I have done with my life. The action of Love through fostering must be unconditional and has to be selfless on my part to be done adequately.

I foster because fostering is Love


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