Why foster care ministry?

Scripture gives us clear commands to care for “the least of these”.  In fact the Old Testament contains roughly 40 scriptures that show God’s heart for the lonely and hurting child. We see “the least of these” as the broken children and families inside the foster care system.

In America we have a crisis in our foster care system. On any given day there are approximately 400,000 children in out of home care in the United States.  In Milwaukee as many as 100 children may be removed from their home this month with 2,000 children typically in Foster Care in Milwaukee County alone.

These children have been abused, and neglected, and taken out of their home, sometimes separated from their siblings. Some have experienced horrors we couldn’t imagine, and no child should ever be exposed to! They are a part of broken families.

There is a great need for Christ followers to take up the mandate of James 1:27. We need Christians to open their heats and homes to these hurting children to be that safe place God promised in Psalm 65:5&6 when he said “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…”

Beyond homes for the hurting child in our area, it is imperative that supports are in place to help fostering families succeed. Supports such as small groups, wraparound partners to provide prayer and encouragement as well as individuals to provide much needed respite care.

At OneHope27 we believe the Church is the hope of the Foster Care crisis. Through promoting awareness, recruiting and supporting foster parents, organizing service projects and special events we will equip the Christian community to transform the world of Foster Care with the Love of Christ.

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