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“You are absolutely beautiful, my darling; there is no imperfection in you.” Song of Songs 4:7

If I were asked to write a story about myself, I would write a fiction tale of greatness, beauty, success, belonging, love, kindness, and great adventure with obvious triumphs. It would be an amazing story. Truly unbelievable. It wouldn’t be mundane because in every way it would be grand. That is the best part of fiction to me. The grandest scale of positive perception.

If asked to write my story, it would not have gone poorly. It would not have dark spots, rough spots, scars, and lingering side effects.

But that’s the thing about real life stories. There is no one that could truly write a story like that and call it fact.

My story on the other hand gives space for loads of imperfections, flaws, and great adventures turned sour. I have stared in the face of defeat many times with tears streaming down my face knowing I had been beat.

I was a nobody. Orphaned. I don’t even really know my real name. I don’t know my real birthdate, and I couldn’t tell you the names of my parents, relatives, or anything about them. I am constantly reminded at the Dr.’s office when asked, “do you have any history of …in your family?” Maybe? Yes, or no?

I have learned how to proudly look my physicians in the eyes and say, “I don’t know. I am adopted. And before that, I was on the streets. And before that, I remember a home and faces but I certainly don’t know their health history.”

My story has a lot of highs and lows. My pendulum has been swinging back and forth so fast and hard I could probably use it as a fan!

But my story isn’t uncommon. I have lived enough, loved enough, survived enough, and served enough to know we humans have some major common ground!

My hope is to serve and love people to the point that they understand that this phrase is how we are seen by our Creator; “you are absolutely beautiful, my darling; there is no imperfection in you.”

Sharing our stories allows us to find common ground. It gives animation and credibility to what we have experienced and all that we hope others will see.

Would this be my first choice for my life? Nope. But I have to say, I have been given so much and the light that shines within my life, and the people I have been blessed to meet along the way have proven to me, that this was much better than any fiction story I could have written on my own.

God has allowed me to use my story, my situations, my messes to honor Him and others. And that is truly beautiful.

I do believe God sees me as beautiful, His darling and perfectly made in His image. I also believe that about you.

Our platform is meant to draw you in so that you can get involved. But make no mistake, we want HOPE for you too. Come for the community, stay for the HOPE found in our stories!

1HopeMKE serves children, parents, families, and birth families impacted by foster care to bring a message of Hope. The HOPE is that you will see you are altogether lovely and that there is no flaw in you…